News - Page 144
AM News Show: Mazda UK’s online retail launch and agency model’s imperfect fit
Mazda UK sales director Peter Allibon has discussed the Japanese brand’s challenging launch of online retail, its direct vehicle imports to the UK and agency model retail in a wide-ranging interview with the AM News Show.
AM Awards 2022 results: who took the trophies? And why they are winners
The AM Awards moved to a new location last night - the Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge, London. The industry's biggest and most influential players were there to welcome it. Here are full results from the 2022 ceremony.
NFDA awaits CMA block exemption resolutions after European Commission rulings
The National Franchised Dealers Associations (NFDA) has indicated that it is keen to learn what influence new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation from the European Commission (EC) will have on the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).