Technology - Page 2
Are part-exchanges keeping pace with car retail's omnichannel customer journey?
There are now more avenues for car dealerships to sell their vehicles than ever before but has the part-exchange process truly embraced the transparency of a truly omnichannel customer journey?
Habits for a lifetime: which car retail COVID lessons are here to stay?
The coronavirus pandemic accelerated the pace of change in the UK’s motor retail industry and some observers now question whether many of the new habits will stick with consumers when everyday freedoms return.
Student's idea to update drivers of workshop progress wins £10k Keyloop prize
A university student's technology concept that would easily help dealers inform customers of their car's progress through service has won the inaugural Keyloop Dealer Tech university automotive technology competition.
Online exclusive: VW boss reveals plans for 'bricks and clicks' network strategy
Blended retailing is the title of a concept being used by Volkswagen UK in its dealer network that accepts the digitisation of the sales process and the attention given by all retailers to everything ‘e’, but doesn’t assume the traditional face-to-face contact in the showroom and sales staff with encyclopaedic knowledge of the brand is redundant.
AM Executive Breakfast Club: What car dealers can learn from sports clubs
Most UK companies have no social media strategy, sports marketing specialist Josh Robinson told members of the AM Executive Breakfast Club at its latest meeting at Simpson’s-in-the-Strand, London,