Technology - Page 4
Keyloop responds to industry criticism in AM's '5 Minutes With' interview
In this latest '5 minutes with' interview, Keyloop's chief alliances officer Megan Harvey talks with AM contributor Tom Seymour about the new way it is working with suppliers and dealerships as part of its new 'partner ecosystem'. This comes after fears were raised by some industry figures that higher costs for partners would be passed on ultimately to the car dealers in those partners' client base.
News insight: car dealers' data obsession has cybercriminals circling
Car retailers have been told “there is no silver bullet” in the fight to avoid potentially devastating data-grabbing cyberattacks as high-profile AM100 businesses continue to recover from hits on their digital systems.
Harwoods starts to reap rewards after ‘taking charge’ with tech revolution
Harwoods Group’s chief transformation officer Archie Harwood has told AM that the business is starting to reap the rewards of a tech revolution after taking decisive action to “take charge” of its car retail destiny.