An all-star cast of dealer group, car manufacturer and automotive retail industry executives have joined the new Automotive Leaders Network (ALN) - under new chief executive Laura Coase.

Vertu Motors chief executive Robert Forrester, Perrys managing director Darren Ardron and Vindis Group chief operating officer Simon Bottomley are all part of the new group.

Meeting three times a year the ALN will debate the critical issues facing the automotive industry, with the most recent summer programme including discussion and presentations around China's impact on the UK market, the Vehicle Emission Trading Scheme (ZEV mandate), the transformative power of artificial intelligence in auto retail and insights from the US industry from the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA).

ALN has been formed by building on the legacy of the Automotive Fellowship International (AFI), which itself was formed over 30 years ago by Ron Sewell and for the last 13 years under the chairmanship of ASE founder Trevor Jones.

ALN has been created as “an equal platform in an informal environment and safe space governed by Chatham House Rules, to create a level of thought leadership unique in the sector”.

Coase was former marketing director for ASE Global and said the formation at ALN comes at a time of unprecedented change in the industry.

She said: “It’s critical to share a mix of experiences.

“If we only ever talk among the same people we risk just talking into an echo chamber.

“Our focus now is to continue to drive unparalleled thought leadership, widen the membership diversity and to bring through the leaders of the future.”

ALN members:

  • John Neill CBE ALN president
  • Laura Coase ALN chief executive
  • Robert Forrester, Vertu Motors chief executive
  • Darren Ardron, Perrys managing director
  • Laura Brailey, Mazda UK sales director
  • Simon Bottomley, Vindis Group chief operating officer
  • Mike Jones, consultant
  • Julia Muir, Automotive 30% Club founder and Gaia Innovation chief executive
  • Steve Nash, Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) chief executive
  • Ian Plummer, Auto Trader commercial director
  •  Dale Wyatt, Suzuki GB director