News - Page 126
Mercedes and MG prevent Lexus lock-out in NFDA Dealer Attitude Survey
Mercedes and MG were the only franchises to prevent a Lexus lock-out as the Japanese car brand emerged as car retailers’ favourite manufacturer partners for a seventh successive NFDA Dealer Attitude Survey.
Porsche IPO may be scuppered by ‘labyrinthine’ governance structure
Porsche’s IPO plan to boost its electric vehicle (EV) development plans with the help of a multi-million-pound funding boost and additional “entrepreneurial freedom” could yet be scuppered, it has been claimed.
Classic car fan Jacob Rees-Mogg gets business secretary post in Truss's Cabinet
The new prime minister Liz Truss has appointed Jacob Rees-Mogg to the post of business secretary and Anne-Marie Trevelyan to the post of transport secretary, both responsible for policies critical for the success of the UK motor retail industry.