The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan will give low income and disabled Londoners the chance to swap into a lower emitting new vehicle with the extension of the capital’s £2,000 vehicle scrappage allowance scheme.
Sandicliffe Motor Group’s Sandicliffe Motor Contracts (SMC) is pulling out of the UK fleet market due to continued pressure on profits and “challenging trading conditions” in the sector.
Car supermarkets grew their stock of used vehicles by an average of 11% during September in an effort to capture car buyers looking to buy in the key number plate change month, has reported.
Pendragon has delivered an interim statement to share news of a 57.9% growth in underlying profit before tax as revenues and profits continued to decline amid mass site closures during Q3.
Half of Auto Trader’s monthly top ten fastest selling cars rankings was made up of diesel powered vehicles as buyers demonstrated a continued appetite for the fuel type.
Unseasonably low September used car stock levels drove “a super-heated wholesale market”, according to the latest Cox Automotive Market Tracker report.
A third of UK automotive business are already cutting jobs ahead of Brexit and 79.6% have expressed concerns about the split’s effect on their future profitability, according to the findings of an SMMT survey.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has opened a consultation in a bid to ban car retailers’ discretionary finance commission model – saving UK car buyers an estimated £165 million a year.
The Mercedes-Benz E-Class was the fastest-selling used car in September with the highest average price recorded so far in 2019, according to Indicata.
Swedish electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Uniti is set to side-step traditional car retailers when it delivers its £15,100 Unity One zero emissions urban hatchback to the first customers in mid-2020.
Research from Zopa has shown that UK car buyers are confused when picking which car finance option is the best to fund their next purchase.
Vacuum giant Dyson has called time on its £2 billion project to market an electric vehicle (EV) after concluding that sales of its “fantastic electric car” would not be economically viable.
The Finance and Leasing Association (FLA) has reported that the automotive retails sector’s point of sale finance business declined by 2% during August.
Inchcape looks set to continue its recent round of business disposals after agreeing to sell its Inchcape Fleet Solutions (IFS) UK vehicle fleet management and funding division to Toyota for £100m.
While consumer confidence seems to have improved during the key number plate change month of September efforts to prop up ailing new car sales seem to be hampering parts of the used car market.
The average UK car dealer lost £14,000 during August in what has been described as a “significant deterioration” on the break-even result achieved in the same month a year earlier.
Peoples Ford chairman Brian Gilda has repeated his warning that a no deal Brexit will trigger “Armageddon” for UK industry as the group announced its latest set of annual financial results.
The roll-out of the worldwide harmonised light vehicle test procedure for vehicle emission into the commercial vehicle sector has triggered a 23.5% decline in September registrations.
New car registrations rose just 1.3% as the key numplerplate change month of September saw the sales appeal of the new 69-plate struggle to overcome consumers' "Brexit anxiety".
Inchcape has announced that its will leave the Chinese car retail market with the sale of its Lexus, Porsche and Mecedes-Benz dealerships in the country for over £54 million.