Having spent more than £1bn on this year's event, the carmaker is now looking for a return
The average motor retailer made a loss of £9,500 during May as the impact of the scrappage scheme began to wane.
In the 12th of our series of insights into running an efficient dealership, Thurlby Motors managing director Chris Roberts looks at the September market and plate change
The Finance & Leasing Association is more optimistic about the chances of getting a slightly better or at least more rational regulatory deal from the new Government than it did with the Labour administration.
Major automotive retailer group, Pendragon PLC has revealed its interim results for the six months to 30 June 2010.
Suzuki has gone live with ‘My CSI’, its new on-line programme to monitor customer satisfaction with its 150 strong dealer network’s sales and servicing performance.
Infiniti has opened its second showroom - the Infiniti Centre Piccadilly - in the heart of London’s West End district.
Glass’s is urging more franchised car dealers to sell vehicles that have higher mileages and are more than three-years-old to combat the anticipated reduction in used car supply over the next 12 months.
Peugeot has launched a range of sales offers in advance of the arrival of the “60” plate in September.
A shortage of new cars and longer than normal lead-in times is causing dealers problems, says CAP.
Carphone Warehouse founder Charles Dunstone has backed a venture to resurrect the Jensen Interceptor.
Environmental creditionals may be what the manufacturers like to promote but the bottom line for buyers is running costs, so environmentally friendly is popular for economic reasons rather than ethical.
The Retail Motor Industry (RMI) is urging its members to participate in an online survey to voice their opinions on the importance of the MoT test and to highlight any issues with a reduction in the regularity of testing.
Honda (UK) has unveiled a new SMR (service, maintenance and repair) service, which allows fleet customers to access all information on their cars online.
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders are predicting a tough second half of the year for commercial vehicle sales.
A new online auction site, Trader-Net.co.uk, has been launched into the competitive internet auction industry, but it is only open to the trade.
Nissan has upgraded its Qashqai range to feature stop/start on its 1.6 petrol variants and revisions to its 1.5-litre dCi engine.
Ford Retail is supporting charity ‘Boots for Africa’ which sends second-hand football boots out to children in Africa.
BCA reports a significant shift in model mix during June, which has undoubtedly influenced used car values.
The August digital edition of AMe is now live.
Vauxhall has just announced that its cars are now covered by a lifetime warranty from the first day of registration.
Just spotted this article in The Guardian this morning. We've done polls on this subject before and there's always going to be mixed reports about relationships between funders and dealerships.
The difference between car sales and assembly so far in 2010 shows that a return to equilibrium is still some way off, according to PwC’s Automotive Institute.
Jardine Motors Group has confirmed One Hyde Park - The Residences at Mandarin Oriental in Knightsbridge - will be the location of its McLaren London showroom.
The July market for new cars has slowed as expected with units falling 13.2% by 20,703 units following 12 successive monthly rises.
Kia Motors UK has introduced a new system to manage its incentive (bonus) payments to dealers.
Volvo Cars has begun using digital video training to improve its customer service, communications and management skills training for 5,500 dealership staff in the UK and Ireland.
The Tata group, which owns Jaguar Land Rover, has begun searching for a successor to its group chairman, Ratan Tata.
Glass’s is predicting that hybrid cars, which combine an internal combustion engine with an electric motor, will represent the dominant ‘alternative fuel’ powertrain technology until 2019, after which they will be overtaken by electric vehicle sales.
Spanish bank Santander has bought more than 300 UK branches from Royal Bank of Scotland for £1.65 billion pounds.