Prof Jim Saker explains why dealers' responsibility for security will increase with the connected car.
Brexit will shift the power balance in manufacturers’ favour, says Prof Jim Saker.
Over the next decade, carmaker power will grow and independents will suffer, predicts Jim Saker.
Measuring staff, not customer, satisfaction may boost service levels, writes Prof Jim Saker.
Why are UK dealers reluctant to fully address what the UK quitting Europe would mean for their industry, asks Prof Jim Saker?
Dealers’ weekend activity online is not matched by manufacturers’, writes Professor Jim Saker.
Technological advances such as EVs and big data mean motor retail needs a professional register, writes Prof Jim Saker.
The shift to digital marketing and sales may attract more women to automotive retail, writes Prof Jim Saker.
Dealers and carmakers both need to behave ethically to rebuild trust.
Professor Jim Saker says dealers need to ensure the things they choose to measure are truly of benefit to their businesses.
Prof Jim Saker says the emissions scandal may do Volkswagen more long-term damage than previous recalls did to other brands.
Market changes, new legislation and training have left the Arthur Daley image of the car dealer firmly in the realm of fiction, writes Jim Saker.
Car manufacturers and franchised dealers must work together to attract young talent to the motor retail sector.
Motor retailers that invest in digital technology at the expense of people skills run the risk of neither working, says Professor Jim Saker.
Professor Jim Saker shares his thoughts on Arthur Daley and the death of Minder actor George Cole, who played the used car dealer.