Credit card firms could face significant damages claims after the Supreme Court dismissed an appeal by Visa and Mastercard, ruling that fees the companies were charging retailers restrict competition.
Consumer interest has grown rapidly this month, with car dealers receiving an influx of enquiries for new and used models.
A post-lockdown surge in used car sales activity has put retailers ahead of the same period in 2019, according to data gathered by Indicata.
Motorway has celebrated its delivery of record volumes of used car stock to the UK’s motor retailers post-lockdown – with £1.39m of sales completed in a single day last week.
ASE chairman Mike Jones has urged car retailers to focus on their "cash position" after the sector's businesses lost an average of £63,000 during April’s COVID-19 lockdown.
Pendragon’s Pinewood Technology has launched a new online payment feature for car retailers’ aftersales departments – enabling customers to pay before collecting their car.
COVID-19 has rendered physical car auctions a no-go zone for 23% of car retailers in the short- to medium-term, Cox Automotive’ s latest dealer sentiment survey has revealed.
A new COVID-19 aftersales whitepaper has questioned whether franchised car retailers are properly prepared for a June surge in servicing demand – and continued peaks and troughs to follow.
Cazana, the vehicle data company, has confirmed that used car pricing has not raced to the bottom during lockdown.
Auto Trader research has said that a third of car buyers remain cautious about visiting a dealership, despite healthy levels of demand which look set to continue.
New data from dealers across the UK shows a strong recovery in the first week in June as lockdown begins to lift, according to Dealerweb.
Tracker, is helping dealers comply with new rules to protect themselves and the public, whilst also protecting stock when it comes to unaccompanied test drives.
Concerns about personal finances topped the list of challenges for dealership staff in a new CarGurus survey, with 41% of respondents saying they were struggling with financial pressures.
The impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic will be central to the findings of the BDO Motor Retail Salary Survey 2020, which is now encouraging participation from across the sector.
Car dealers have resisted the temptation to “slash prices” during COVID-19 lockdown according to Auto Trader data which showed an 1.9% year-on-year increase in May.
Four of the UK remarketing sector's industry bodies have come together to deliver unified guidance on how to comply with safety guidance as the COVID-19 crisis eases and automotive retail businesses begin to re-open.
Cazana has reported that demand for used cars during the COVID-19 lockdown may have outstripped the 20% of sales transactions which were completed during the period.
CarGurus has suggested that the re-opening of car showrooms in England this week has helped generate increased online leads for retailers in Scotland and Wales.
AA Cars has announced it will be extending it’s 50% discount for car dealerships for a third consecutive month into June, to help support UK used car busnesses weather the impact of COVID-19.
JudgeService has found tht the majority of customers are happy to visit car showrooms in person if COVID-19 safety measures have been put in place.