- Increase = 20.0%
- No change = 10.0%
- Decrease = 70.0%
Your Vote
Previous questions
- They cost us lost profit = 13.6%
- They have little impact = 0.0%
- Some, but it's vital for doing business = 27.3%
- We discourage use of cards for car purchase = 59.1%
- Very confident = 13.3%
- Fairly confident = 20.0%
- Not so confident = 33.3%
- Not confident at all = 33.3%
- No = 11.8%
- Yes = 88.2%
- No = 82.0%
- Yes = 18.0%
- Yes = 7.9%
- No = 86.8%
- Maybe = 5.3%
- 0% = 20.7%
- 1-3% = 20.7%
- 4-10% = 34.8%
- 11-20% = 18.5%
- 21-30% = 2.2%
- More than 31% = 3.3%
- 100% = 0.0%
- The vehicle description = 20.0%
- 360 degree videos of the car = 21.5%
- An image gallery = 52.3%
- A live chat conversation = 6.2%
- No = 53.7%
- Yes = 29.0%
- Maybe = 17.4%