Steven Eagell Group is donating vehicles to Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service to be used by on-call firefighters as part of their vital life-saving training.

Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service responds to thousands of incidents each year, a large proportion of which are road traffic collisions. When attending these incidents, on-call firefighters are often required to safely extricate trapped victims from vehicles using specialist tools and training so they can receive medical attention.

Steven Eagell Group donated vehicles to Wheathampstead and Harpenden fire stations, both part of Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, to be used to simulate these incidents which take place either with the use of dummies or with firefighters acting as victims requiring medical care.

Jamie Eagell, commercial director, Steven Eagell Group said: “The on-call firefighters working for Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service risk their lives each and every day to protect and serve their local community. We’re extremely proud to have the opportunity to donate vehicles to be used as part of their road traffic collision training and we hope they will be beneficial in ensuring the training is as realistic as possible to develop the skills and experience required to respond to real-life emergency scenarios.”

Ian Youngs, station commander (on-call support), Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, added: “Both Wheathampstead and Harpenden Fire Station provide cover to their local community 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year thanks to our highly trained team of on-call firefighters.

"We’re grateful to Steven Eagell Group for donating these vehicles to be used as part of our road traffic collision training. Simulating road traffic incidents is an important aspect of the training our on-call firefighters receive to enable us to best serve and safeguard our local community.”