What can we expect automotive retail to look like in the near future and what factors are coming into play from retailers in other markets were key considerations in AM’s first webinar, in association with CDK Global, entitled ‘The Future of Motor Retailing’.

Topic areas in the 60 minute webinar on Wednesday, November 25, included dealers, OEMs, consumers and technology.

Our guest presenter was CDK Global director of international strategy Paul Inness.

"As technology knows no boundaries we must look at global influences,” he said.

“In Europe there is an emerging trend of OEMs changing contracts, making dealers their agents. They are rewarded on how well they keep and convert leads, customer loyalty and the consumer experience. Dealers operate in a closed loop with manufacturers measuring their performance more holistically and consistently.”

Innes’s presentation concluded with questions from the nearly 100 webinar attendees, including, ‘What should I do now to ensure my business is fit for the future?’.

> Watch the AM webinar ‘The Future of Motor Retailing’ with CDK Global