Car dealer group Cambria Automobiles has sold a Midlands dealership which it said did not fit with its strategy.
Car dealer group Caffyns has raised £1.28m in the sale of a property in West Sussex.
Volvo has appointed a contract for tyre supplies for its new cars.
In a bid to help make motor insurance more affordable the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has signed an exclusive agreement which will enable insurance premiums to be based on an accurate level of individual risk, rather than traditional proxies such as age, gender and postcode.
MG Motor UK is launching a special scheme for employees of its local industry, councils and other organisations.
The UK economy shrank by 0.3% in the first three months of the year, more than previously thought, revised figures have shown.
The new Mazda CX-5 has received five-stars - the highest possible safety rating - from Euro NCAP.
London's EcoVelocity show this month attracted almost 60,000 visitors during the nine-day event.
Hitachi Capital is to enter the UK motor finance market.
Fiat Group has signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Mazda to develop and manufacture a new roadster based on the MX-5 for Alfa Romeo and the Japanese brand.
The owner of used car dealer Carcraft has been fined £91,000 by the Financial Services Authority over its failure to properly monitor staff selling £3m of payment protection insurance.
The world's first pedestrian airbag fitted as standard on the all-new Volvo V40 is being hailed as the next step in the manufacturer's aim that no-one should be killed or injured in a new Volvo by 2020.
Paints, coatings and chemicals specialist AkzoNobel has been retained as ‘preferred supplier’ to the Honda (UK) network for a further two years.
Three in four Britons don't know how to check the oil in their car, leaving an opportunity for dealers' aftersales marketing teams.
Motorexpo, now the UK's biggest motoring event following the closure of the British Motor Show, is hoping to attract 425,000 visitors this year.
The Financial Ombudsman Service has revealed that of its 157,716 complaints against being mis-sold payment protection insurance (PPI), 5,667 of them were unfounded.
Fiat’s Abarth 695 Maserati Edition will cost £32,000 when it goes on sale in the UK at the end of this year.
Volvo has extended its partnership with Mitsubishi Electric to develop infotainment technology for its next-generation of models.
Google will have to “offer remedies” to the European Commission (EC) following an investigation into whether its own services are given higher priority within search results.
Isuzu’s new Isuzu D-Max pick-up will launch in July with a five-year/120,000 mile warranty.
Unite, the UK’s biggest union, is urging businesses to buy British-built cars to help maintain success in the manufacturing industry.
Classic vehicles built before 1960 will be exempted from the MoT test from November 18, roads minister Mike Penning announced today.
Dealer-Auction has seen a softening in franchised dealers’ part-exchange values in March.
Kia’s next generation Cee’d will go on sale on June 1 priced between £14,395 and £23,595.
New and used car enquiry motoring website has seen mobile device visits to its website grow by 190% year on year.
Vauxhall has teamed up with Zipcar, the car sharing company, to offer its Ampera electric-vehicle to London customers in a six month pilot deal.
Dealers will hear successful examples from dealers on how to turn a demorilised workforce into a motivated team at the AM Franchised Dealer Conference on June 14 at the Chesford Grange Hotel near Warwick.
New car finance sales were up 33% by value and 22% by volume in March compared with March last year, according to the latest figures from the Finance & Leasing Association, the trade body for the motor finance industry.
Welsh Ford dealer Elfyn Evans is currently leading the British Rally Championship, with three back-to-back class victories in his Ford Fiesta R2 rally car.
Added value technology is becoming a key factor in buyers' decision-making.