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On the 7th of July, 18 brave members of the Codeweavers team will be attempting to complete the Three Peak Challenge in order to raise funds for The Net Patient Foundation, who provide support to anyone affected by Neuroendocrine Cancer.

The Challenge

The Three Peak Challenge is to hike the highest mountain in Scotland, England and Wales in one continuous attempt. The Three Peaks Challenge is one of the ultimate tests of physical endurance, mental stamina and effective teamwork. The hike is over 25 miles of rough and rocky terrain, whilst battling against unpredictable weather conditions throughout.

The entire company is behind the challenge from our Managing Director Roland Schaack to a handful of our developers, our client support team and our marketing team. The atmosphere in the office around the challenge is electrifying!


The Cause
The Net Patient Foundation is a UK wide charity with the purpose to support and inform patients and families from diagnosis, enabling access to the best care and treatment, whilst stimulating Neuroendocrine Cancer research, increasing national awareness and influencing improvements in outcomes.

We chose The Net Patient Foundation due to the great work they do helping those diagnosed with Neuroendocrine tumours. Jude Smalley one of our Product Owners brought The Net Patient Foundation to our attention: in 2015 Jude’s mother Kath was diagnosed with a Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumour. During this Kath created a blog which is a real eye-opener to the effects this can have on someone's life.


The Goal
Our aim is to help raise awareness around Neuroendocrine Tumours and to help raise funds so that The Net Patient Foundation can help others like Kath.

To show your support and to help a good cause, feel free to donate by visiting: | 0800 021 0888 |