Nearly nine out of 10 motorists (87%) believe it's crucial to have an independent, certified assessment of a used electric car's battery, showing how well previous owners have maintained it.

Additionally, 83% of drivers want to know how long the battery will take to fully charge, 82% seek verification of how much battery capacity has been lost since the vehicle was new, and 81% want to know how much capacity may be lost in the future.

Furthermore, 79% would like an indication of the battery's current charge level, according to August’s Startline Used Car Tracker.

Paul Burgess, CEO of Startline Motor Finance, commenting, said: "The biggest concern for consumers buying a used electric car is the fear of battery failure or rapid degradation, knowing that replacing it could cost several thousand pounds. In reality, these fears are mostly unfounded.

“Millions of electric cars are on the road globally, and battery degradation is generally much slower than expected, while outright battery failure remains rare. However, used car buyers clearly want reassurance. A formal test that shows the battery's condition and future performance potential would be the best way to alleviate their concerns."

He also noted that the new Labour government’s manifesto includes a promise to introduce a standardised battery health check.

"We believe this would be a very good idea. A government-backed, approved battery test that provides the information consumers need would be a significant boost for the used electric car market, especially if it came with some form of warranty."

The Startline Used Car Tracker is compiled monthly by Startline Motor Finance with the help of APD Global Research, a well-known firm in the motor industry for business intelligence and customer experience programs. This survey involved 321 consumers and 62 dealers.