Fiat UK has launched a new Facebook application called ‘You Wear’ which analyses photos on the social networking site to determine which colour is worn the most and then matches that analysis with which Fiat 500 colour combination might be the best match.

The application is intended to appeal to the style conscious target buyers for the Fiat 500.

After scanning 25 of a user’s most recent Facebook photos and producing a personality analysis and a car colour match, the app publishes the results so friends can see and be invited to play.

Everyone who plays Fiat 500 You Wear is entered into a prize draw to win one of 50 High Street shopping vouchers and a grand prize of a VIP experience at London Fashion Weekend in September.

The Fiat 500 You Wear App has been developed in association with Karen Haller, who has examined the psychological traits that help define what colours people are attracted to and what it means about their personality.