Vauxhall MasterFit’s online service booking pilot programme has been rolled out across its national network after a limited trial in 2010.
Of those Vauxhall MasterFit retailers involved in the pilot, a number said 70 per cent of those using the online booking system were new customers whose vehicles were coming in for servicing for the first time.
The pilot was introduced at seven Vauxhall MasterFit retailers in July.
Their websites allowed customers to book time slots for servicing over the internet.
Vauxhall MasterFit retailers will introduce the system onto their websites on a business by business basis with comprehensive national coverage anticipated over the coming months.
“The benefits of Vauxhall MasterFit’s online service booking pilot programme were recognised by both our customers and our retailers,” said Vauxhall aftersales communications manager Marie Roberts.
“Customers' ability to set their own service time played a significant factor in its success with 32 per cent of all bookings taken through the pilot programme made outside of normal business hours.
“During the pilot, 54 per cent of customers making an online booking owned Vauxhalls of four years of age and older.
All Vauxhalls over two years old are eligible for the Vauxhall MasterFit Service Club which entitles owners to discounts on parts, labour and MoT testing."
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