Green credentials are the last concern on the minds of used car customers, according to a survey by Carmony.
Price was unsurprisingly the deciding buying factor for used car customers taking 84% of votes.
While that result might not be particularly shocking, looking at the main concerns for buyers searching for the right model for them it confirms that emotional factors come last in the buying process (like colour and environmental impact).
Consumers using the ‘give it a go’ lifestyle search facility at can choose their environmental preferences on a sliding scale from ‘indifferent’ to ‘tree hugger’ and the site has experienced a steady increase in people marking their environmental status as ’indifferent’.
Alan Hazelhurst, Carmony managing director, said: “Before the recession, a growing number of consumers were taking into consideration green credentials when choosing a car.
“Demand for an environmentally friendly motor was high and because of this, we built it into the lifestyle search feature.
“But even though the worst of the recession appears to be over, consumers are still looking for the best deal, sacrificing the environment and choosing a car that suits the budget, not the green conscience.
"It will be fascinating to see if this dynamic continues, as the economy accelerates away from recession. But this research does reinforce the need for cost-efficiency in the environmentally friendly alternatives."
The top car buying factors include:
1. Price (84%)
2. Current mileage (73%)
3. Age (72%)
4. Reliability of brand (59%)
5. Service history (57%)
6. Mechanical state of the car (55%)
7. Cost of running (54%)
8. Reliability of model (50%)
9. How the car runs (49%)
10. Colour (48%)
11. Previous owners (32%)
12. Environmentally friendly (21%)
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