The critical source of contact information and market intelligence to suppliers to UK dealerships is now available from Sewells.
'Who Owns Who' is the comprehensive directory of the 290 retail groups that each have three or more sites - totalling almost 5,000 outlets.
Each group is listed alphabetically by the name and address of the ultimate parent company complete with phone and fax numbers and website addresses where available. Also listed are:
- Subsidiary companies
- Outlet trading names
- City/town locations
- Postcodes and franchises operated
To keep an accurate track on the constantly changing dealer group scene, the report is updated every six months – in January and July each year.
Who Owns Who July 2009
The July 2009 edition of Sewells' Who Owns Who in the Retail Motor Industry lists all those dealerships that are either:
- part of a public or limited company with multiple new car retailing sites
- owned by a holding company which may, or may not, have other motor industry interests
- an independent business with three or more new car retailing sites.
'Who Owns Who' lists car and light commercial franchised new sales sites. It does not include other separate group sites such as petrol stations, used cars, leasing companies or dealer groups that only have HGV’s.
'Who Owns Who' links up with its sister publication AM and its highly-regarded AM100 dealer group performance review.
'Who Owns Who' focuses on group sales sites and franchise points.
The AM100 measures group size and performance in terms of annual turnover, new and used car sales, staff numbers etc, for the UK’s top one hundred car retailing groups.
The detail showing the group’s annual turnover, and each group’s ranking within the June 2009 AM100 review is listed at the back of the book, firstly in rank order and then alphabetically.
The AM100 is compiled with the assistance of Grant Thornton Motor Retail.
Additional information
We have included news articles reporting on changes that have taken place in the industry over the last six months. A list of motor manufacturer contact details is also published at the back of the directory.
Also available from Sewells is an electronic database version of the directory, a sample of which is included with the printed edition.
The database is available in a number of formats, on a licence to use basis and includes the following:
- full addresses for all UK trading locations and head offices
- telephone and fax numbers (where available) for all sites
- company website addresses (where available)
- franchise details
- holding/parent company information and subsidiary addresses.
For more information contact Berta Collins on 01733 468270 or
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