Oil accounts for more than one-quarter of all pollution incidents, according to the NetRegs website which is a partnership between the UK Environmental Regulators.

In England, oil storage is covered by the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001.

They require anyone who stores more than 200 litres of oil to keep it in secure containers such as tanks, drums or mobile bowsers to prevent it leaking.

In Scotland, the regulations affect anyone storing oil of any kind at a premises, regardless of the volume.

Oil storage in Scotland is governed by the Water Environment (Oil Storage) (Scotland) Regulations 2006.

In Northern Ireland, waste oil is regulated by the country’s Environment Agency.

Guidance is only given regarding stored oil. Where negligence is a factor enforcement can be brought under the duty of care regulations.

These regulations stipulate that anyone keeping oil must ensure it is stored correctly and waste is collected and disposed of by an authorised company.

Even items such as oily rags are deemed as hazardous waste and should be treated as such.