The Automotive Council, co-chaired by Lord Mandelson and Professor Richard Parry-Jones CBE, met for the first time today to discuss the future of the automotive industry.

The council does not have representation from the automotive retailing industry and an AM poll shows that an overwhelming 93% of dealers believe that it will not be effective in shaping the future of the industry as a result.

One AM user commented on the poll: "You need the new Automotive Council to drive the business forward. And without dealer group representation, it will be like trying to drive a car without an engine."

Paul Everitt, SMMT chief executive and council member, said: “This first meeting marks a significant development in the relationship between the motor industry and the Government.

“It signals a new and more collaborative approach, which will help sustain industrial capability and place the UK as a leader in the development and exploitation of low carbon vehicle technologies.

“I am delighted that one of the first results is the commitment by the Office for Low Emission Vehicles and the Technology Strategy Board to provide an additional £19 million to fund supply chain projects for ultra-low carbon vehicles.”

The Automotive Council was formed to “oversee the development of a co-ordinated and strategic approach to the automotive sector, with a supply chain council and technology council leading specific areas of work”.