Accelerate your productivity with music but remember - just like driving, you need a licence

Whether you sell cars or repair them, the pace of the working day can vary between busy periods and quiet times. Keeping staff motivated and upbeat throughout the day can be a challenge.

Many businesses have found that playing music at work can be a great way of inspiring their staff. Recent studies show that when the right music is played:

  • Efficiency levels can increase by 35%, particularly for repetitive tasks†
  • 77% of staff said they are more productive††
  • 1 in 3 staff would be less likely to ‘pull a sickie’†† 

Playing music can also increase the time your customers they spend with you†† – and if you’re a car salesman trying to seal a deal, every second counts!

Many people are unaware that playing music for staff and customers at work does come with a small upfront fee, as all businesses using music require a licence from PRS for Music.

Why you need a Music Licence
A common question we’re often asked is why a business needs a licence to listen to music on the radio that has already been paid for by the radio station, or to listen to a CD that they already own.

To put it simply, a radio station pays for the right to broadcast the music, and no further fees are payable if it’s listened to in a domestic setting i.e. a private home, car, or personal stereo. But if a radio or CD is played in a ‘public’ place such as a business (even in staff-only areas), then special permission is needed from the copyright owner. A licence from PRS for Music gives you the legal permission you need to play the music you want in your business, however you like - for example on CD, MP3, the radio or TV.

What it costs
We know that times are tough for many businesses at the moment and every penny counts. So we’ve recently introduced a new Music Licence for workplaces with four or fewer workers that costs as little as £44* a year. Larger businesses pay a tailored price depending on the amount of music they play and the size of their premises. So getting a music licence doesn’t have to break the bank.

Where the money goes
We’re a not-for-profit organisation, so nearly 90% of what we collect is re-distributed amongst our members who wrote the music you listen to.

We’re waiving our higher rate - for a limited time only
You may be using music already, but do not have a licence. If this is the case, a higher rate normally applies in the first year of your licence. The good news is we’ll waive this rate - a reduction of 33%** - if you call us today. 

We regularly contact all kinds of businesses across the country to assess whether they play music, so it’s worth contacting us first to avoid paying the higher rate.

PRS for Music collects royalties on behalf of songwriters, publishers and composers. Nearly 90% of our income goes to them so they can keep on making music. For more information or to buy a Music Licence, call us on 0800 694 7337 quoting ‘AM’ or visit


†Joint PRS for Music/PPL report into the Value of Music, A. North (2009)
††Music Works survey of 2,000 people, conducted in March 2009. Visit for more details.
*Applies to Tariff I for the use of background music in staff-only areas, at work and during breaks, in workplaces such as offices, factories, staff canteens and rest rooms where music can be heard by four or fewer workers. The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 requires you gain the permission of the copyright owner if you play music in public (anywhere outside the home environment). Our Music Licence provides you with this permission for the rights administered by PRS for Music, for musical works controlled by PRS for Music in the UK. A separate sound recording licence will also be needed in most circumstances. Visit for more details. A Music Licence gives you the right to play our copyright music. If you use a TV, you also need a TV licence.
** Offer does not apply if we have previously contacted you about a licence. Terms and conditions apply.