It wants tyre fitters to educate drivers that aged tyres have been linked to serious and fatal accidents, due to degradation or cracking of the rubber.
More than 2,700 tyre retailers within the NTDA network are offering free tyre checks during the campaign.
Research commissioned for the NTDA’s tyre age safety campaign has although nine out of 10drivers understand the link between tyre age and road safety, six out of ten say they are unlikely to check vital tyre age information contained on the sidewall.
"Simplifying the checking process could be one answer to the problem, as seven out of ten motorists say they would like to see the current age coding system replaced by an easy-to-read ‘year of manufacture’ date on the tyre," said a spokesman.
The NTDA has been handing out thousands of campaign leaflets during the British International Motor Show.
Its campaign will target owners of low-mileage cars, vintage and classic models, caravans, motor homes and trailers.
These vehicles are most at risk of tyre fatigue through intermittent use over long periods of time. The spare tyre will also be a high priority, as it is often unused even though other tyres may have been replaced over the years.
All NTDA member companies have been supplied with campaign packs of merchandise which includes technical information for fitting staff plus consumer posters and leaflets.
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