The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has resigned from ReMAG, the Repair Methods Assessment Group formed of cross-industry stakeholders.

ReMAG was formed late last year to ensure that the Thatcham standard for crash repair methods meets the needs of all parties in the accident repair sector.

AM understands that although the SMMT had initial involvement in ReMAG, it has now withdrawn under guidance of its members, as similar research into standard repair methods is already being done at a European level.

Nigel Wonnacott, SMMT head of communications, said: “We had asked Thatcham to work with vehicle manufacturers on this European input. However, we have been disappointed with the response that Thatcham has provided on these European initiatives.”

ReMAG said it will now contact all carmakers directly for their input on its proposed standard. Its next action will be to assess manufacturer methods against the standard criteria and make public a ratings table.