Automotive recruitment experts RTS estimate that high staff turnover is costing the retail motor industry in excess of £113m, typically including advertising costs, lost productivity/sales, induction time and training expenses.

AM, together with the IMI is therefore supporting the rts “Rate Your Job” survey which will answer questions such as:

"What are the top 5 motivators of all employees?"
"Where is the biggest gap between job expectations and reality?"
"How do age groups differ in their expectations and satisfaction levels?"

The resulting report, which will be made available to interested employers, will seek to help companies improve their employment practices, reduce costs and improve staff morale.

rts Managing Director, Richard Wells, reports, “We have had an excellent response but are keen to capture more responses from important customer-facing roles such as Sales Executives and Service Advisors. We would also like to hear from more female employees. We are therefore encouraging managers to ask their relevant team members to participate.”

To facilitate more responses from Sales Executives, Service Advisors and female employees the research close date has been extended to the end of January 2008.

What do we want to know?

The questions are grouped in the following clusters:

  • The Nature of your Work
  • The Way you are Managed
  • Pay and Benefits
  • Your Working Environment
  • Your Career Prospects
  • The People you Work with
  • Your Future

    Managers are also asked additional questions about how staff turnover is tackled in their organisation.

    Who will read the responses? Responses are in complete confidence. They are analysed by the survey software and individual responses cannot be tracked back to any one group or dealership, never mind to one person – not even by rts, who are carrying out the survey.

    Don’t forget! This is the most extensive survey of the sector to date. Once employers know more about employee motivators, they can begin to make the changes that will reduce staff turnover, reduce costs and improve business performance.

    You or your staff can complete the survey by heading to