Leeds-based Tate Accident Repair Centre has reported increased bodyshop efficiency levels after completing an on-site training programme with Tri-Sphere, the bodyshop equipment specialist.
Six members of the Tate bodyshop team were involved. Some were keen to update their body repair techniques, while others were either new to the company and unfamiliar with Tri-Sphere’s Globaljig brand, or new to chassis straightening work.
"When users transfer from a traditional sill-clamp system to a more sophisticated bracket-based style of repair, there is a lot to take in and output levels tend to dip initially - particularly if inefficiencies are passed on from one employee to another," says Tate ARC's managing director Richard Tate.
Tri-Sphere technical trainer Matt Lomas designed a programme to match the range of training needs among the Tate team members at different times over two days.
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