Did you know that if an employee suffers an accident, which causes him/her to be unable to do their full range of normal duties for at least three days, or an accident occurs, which could have led to a reportable injury e.g. collapse of ramp or wall or perhaps an electrical short circuit causing an explosion, then all these incidents require you to make a report to the HSE under RIDDOR?
Visit www.lawgistics.co.uk or call 0870 26 77 118 for more information.
As the employer if there is an accident connected with your work and an employee, (including self employed / contractor) or a member of the public suffers death or a major injury then you are obliged to notify the HSE incident contact centre (0845 3009923) immediately by phone or on line (via HSE website).
A reportable “over 3 day injury” even includes injury caused by physical violence.
RIDDOR also applies to ‘Reportable Diseases’. If you are notified by a doctor that your employee is suffering from a reportable work related disease, e.g. occupational dermatitis, skin cancer, then notification must be made.
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