The company’s chief executive Igal Mayer said the move, which includes changes to the executive team and the departure of RAC managing director Debbie Hewitt next summer – would enhance RAC’s current strategy.
Mayer wants a broader membership proposition, and aims to strengthen the RAC Direct Insurance business.
Under the new operating structure, RAC will become further integrated into Norwich Union Insurance, sharing services including HR, IT and finance, but retaining its brand and dedicated operations and service teams.
The RAC strategy will be delivered by two key business areas.
Sales and marketing will be responsible for the development of the RAC membership and corporate partnership business, led by John Kitson, sales and marketing director.
Operations will be responsible for the development of sales operations, roadside operations and customer service, led by David McMillan, chief operating officer.
Hewitt will leave the business in summer 2008, after she has helped the transition to the new operating model.
She said: “This next phase of development for RAC will undoubtedly see a stronger emphasis on the benefits we can provide our members and an enhanced proposition for our corporate partnerships."
The new management structure will be effective from 3 December.
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