Name: Sue Robinson
Company: RMIF
Job: Director of NFDA
Age: Not given
How did you get into the automotive business?
I joined the Retail Motor Industry Federation as a press officer.
What does your job entail?
Raising the profile of the retail sector to Government, opinion formers, the media, manufacturers and the European Commission, and ensuring the voice of the franchised dealer is heard. Plus strengthen NFDA membership.
How will your job change over the next few years?
The industry will change with the Block Exemption Regulation 2010 in addition to the market and economy changes, which will all have an effect on the way my role develops.
Previous jobs?
Briefly taught history and sociology; worked on various magazines; press officer for the building services industry.
What advice would you give to young people joining the industry?
Have a clear focus and pursue it with enthusiasm and energy.
What was the worst career move you ever made?
Rather a regret than a worst career move – I had the opportunity to work with a major airline but didn’t take the post.
What was the best career move you ever made?
Join the RMIF.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Living in a seven star hotel.
Favourite holiday?
Going to a hot climate as often as possible.
Favourite film?
The Quiet Man.
Favourite music?
From Van Morrison to the Scissor Sisters.
First car?
Dream car?
Aston Martin DB9.
Luxury item?
Escaping to a seven star hotel!
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