One method that could be used is an employee of the month scheme. Variations on the idea are used throughout many industries to encourage better working morale and McDonald’s gold-star scheme is one of the best known.
Modern automotive businesses can adopt the original concept of a reward scheme and tailor it to suit.
“We operate an employee of the month scheme in order to show appreciation for those members of staff that put in an extra effort,” explains Neil Smith, assistant accountant at Vauxhall Drive, Aldershot.
“We have a departmental meeting every morning where people get together and hear about what’s been going on. Then at the end of the month everyone nominates a candidate for employee of the month.”
At Vauxhall Drive, Aldershot, this is done through filling in a nomination form containing the candidate’s name and the reason for choosing them.
“Often people are nominated because they have performed above and beyond the call of duty,” says Smith. “Especially if they have been extra helpful to customers and other members of staff.”
Winners of the award receive £50 and are given a mention in the business’ newsletter.
In order to set up a similar scheme at your own organization, it is vital to have someone in place who will oversee the nomination process and ensure that employees are aware of their need to vote regularly.
Companies could also consider having an employee of the year award in place, which goes to the member of staff who has received the most nominations throughout the year.
Everyone may have their own idea of how to boost staff morale, but recognition from peers is almost certain to make any employee feel they are a valued part of your business.
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