Ford dealers are stocking a new range of child seats and booster cushions to help driver comply with changes to the law, which came into effect on Monday.Children under three to use an appropriate restraint when travelling in a car or goods vehicle Those aged three or more and up to 135cms (about four feet five inches) tall to use a child seat, booster seat or booster cushion appropriate for their size Rear-facing baby seats must not be used in seats with an active front airbag
The new legislation requires all young children to use a restraint appropriate for their size and will no longer be able to use an adult seat belt alone in the front or rear.
Non-compliance can result in a £30 fixed penalty, or a fine of up to £500, and the law change has led to high street stores running out of the seats. Ford has shipped seats and booster cushions to all its parts dealers so customers with both cars and goods vehicles can comply with the new law, and carry children safely.
The legislation requires:
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