Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMIF) chief executive Matthew Carrington, said: “Many of our MoT testing station members have suffered considerably due to issues highlighted by the Transport Select Committee.
"Delays and implementation problems have been rife, and apologies from VOSA were neither freely forthcoming nor well communicated. The report also refers to inadequacies within the ‘points’ system for vehicle examiners: the complaints procedure for operators against examiners appears to be not quite as impartial as it implies, and the issue of how vehicle inspection is linked to a reward system for examiners needs further debate."
Carrington ended: "As the largest trade body for the retail motor industry, the RMIF, while pleased that these findings have been made public, hopes that vital lessons have been learned. Perhaps now, these agencies will get their act together and liaise with businesses, which are also their customers, in a spirit of more openness and transparency."
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