The Learning and Skills Council recently announced new funding rates for motor industry apprenticeships in England and it is not all doom and gloom.

This major review is based on the LSC’s priorities to identify and remove inconsistencies, and overlaps in funding such as double funding of Level 2 and Level 3 apprenticeship programmes.

Automotive Skills recommended to the LSC that apprentices complete a level two apprenticeship programme before progressing to a level three course. This is due to the technical complexity of motor vehicles and changes to National Occupational Standards. As the industry moves to separate apprenticeship and advance apprenticeships, the LSC’s funding has changed to support Automotive Skills ambitions for level 2 and level 3 apprenticeships as stand-alone programmes from 2006/7.

LSC funding is provided to deliver effective learning. The apprenticeship programmes have been reorganized so that a young person can develop their knowledge and skills over a sensible time period.

By matching funding to these frameworks it will now be possible to raise the stakes and improve retention and achievement.

This is designed to support the industry’s ambitions to recruit high calibre apprentices, increase the competence of newly qualified technicians, drive up standards and produce technicians that will contribute to the overall health and success of the motor industry.

Automotive Skills has posted information on the development of the new funding model on its website:

For further information please contact James Holyfield, head of workforce development, Automotive Skills: 0207 436 6373 or at: