The future of Visteon’s Swansea plant still hangs in the balance after a meeting with senior union officials, politicians and executives.

Andy Richards, Trade and General Workers Union secretary for Wales, said: “Our concerns over the future of the plant remain, albeit that further talks are planned.”

The global car parts maker was unable to tell the joint trade unions and political groups exactly what product the plant could bid for to replace work which comes to an end in 2008.

The company has, however, agreed to restart discussions with the unions, which they had adjourned in October, concerning cost reduction measures.

“Whilst we are disappointed that no specific commitment was forthcoming from the company, we welcome the resumption of local and national discussions with the company. However, we have made it clear that we would accept no fait accompli announcement and would oppose plant closure by any means,” Richards said.

A further meeting will be held in February for a progress report to be given.