The Retail Motor Industry Federation has launched its own Government pressure group.

The new ‘Government affairs unit’ is the first in a series of new RMI initiatives for 2006, as the group starts to roll out its overhaul strategy.

Matthew Carrington, chief executive of the RMI, said: “The new unit is central to our strategy of increasing as profile on key issues that affect the industry. It will provide valuable extra resources to strengthen our existing relationships with the Government, vehicle manufacturers and other suppliers to the industry.”

Carrington also said lobbying and public affairs activity is at the very heart of the RMIF's brief, and it is ‘fully committed to becoming more vocal’ in order to champion the issues that matter to its members.

The central role of the unit will be focused on:

  • Driving forward and co-ordinating the RMIF's extensive lobbying activity
  • Setting policy statements and advice
  • Co-ordinating the ederation's response to Government consultations
  • Ensuring the RMIF presents a “seamless and united” front to industry stakeholders Louise Wallis and Orfana Hayat-Isaacson will work in the unit and will report directly to Carrington.