The company, which launched the garage portal in March, currently has 500 mostly independent workshops registered in the UK after promoting the service via vouchers provided with boxes of its LuK clutches and INA bearings products. Each voucher allows the workshop to access information on the pay-per-view website free of charge. Alternatively, they can trade them in for gifts like footballs or TVs.
RepXpert supports workshops by providing them with up-to-date vehicle data and detailed technical information. Workshops can access advice, including audio and video clips, on engine technology, drive train engineering and workshop management, including diagnostics information, for any product from any supplier on any car.
Technical documents, such as installation instructions, labour time allowances and servicing plans for all cars and commercial vehicles are also available.
A workshop management section covers sales, training programmes and profit, while managers can check the training needs of staff by getting them to complete a short questionnaire.
LuK sales and marketing director Nigel Morgan claims RepXpert’s main objective is to secure the future of the aftermarket and add value to LuK’s product offering. But it’s also a defensive strategy.
“We see it as a reason for customers to continue buying LuK products rather than go elsewhere so it’s an exit barrier to losing customers,” Morgan says.
He is keen to get rival suppliers to sign up to the web portal, for a fee, and is in talks with Hella and Bosch, among others, to become partners. “We want it to become an industry portal that is stand alone from LuK,” says Morgan.
He has also written to technical colleges to get them on board with web-based learning for technicians of the future.
ironmansp - 28/07/2015 15:02
It is a very good web... another sites similar?