Aftersales consultancy Automotive Advantage has launched a set of programmes that aim to help garages achieve the BSI kitemark standard.

The company has recognised that garages will have different needs when attempting to meet the standard and so have devised a range of menu options from a self implementation kit with supporting forms, progress check lists and documents through to a full support package using a PAS 80 specialist, all designed to make it as straightforward as possible for garages that want to meet the standard.

Chris Hallam, development director at Automotive Advantage, said: "These options have been put together based on our own expertise in the aftersales market. The work we undertook on our award-winning Maxiima programme, on which the standard is based, has given us a clear idea of the sort of help that garages are likely to need.

"The programme offers the garage services industry a mark that is recognised by over 80% of consumers as a mark of quality and safety. Garages that conform to the standard will be able to distance themselves from those offering lower customer service standards and demonstrate their commitment to improving practices by being subject to ongoing independent surveillance, unannounced inspections and mystery vehicle fault-format shopping. The garage revolution is here at last and it’s great news for consumers and trade alike."

Further information can be obtained from Automotive Advantage’s PAS 80 support team on 01782 855700, or at the website