The opening of supermarket group Motorpoint’s fourth site represents a strategic move to capture further business from the south west, says director Paul Winfield.

The 10-acre site has been secured on a long term lease from British Car Auctions on the Queensway Meadow Industrial Estate in Newport, and is the group’s largest outlet.

Winfield says: “We expect to sell around 6,000 vehicles in our first year but, given the catchment area for this site, consider that sales of 150 to 200 vehicles a week are more than possible.”

Motorpoint as a group currently retails in excess of 24,000 vehicles per year, with a turnover last year of just over £240m. It employs 170 people across its sites in Burnley, Derby and Glasgow and envisages that 40 people will be employed at Newport.

Winfield tells AM the group has plans for at least one more site, with the overriding criteria for its location being a catchment area large enough to enable the site to generate a viable level of business.