The Road Safety Bill, published by the Government includes plans to assess the safety of alterations that allow for the use of LPG, and other fuels.
Ian Davis-Knight, Retail Motor Industry Federation head of MoT technical operations, says: “Vehicles are often modified after they have been registered, but the adequacy of conversions is not yet covered by the MoT test. Neither are there measures to prevent a modified vehicle from being used on the road if the modification is not satisfactory.”
The bill suggests that modified vehicles could be tested by authorised examiners and issued with a new form of certificate verifying satisfactory modification. Examiners could be audited by the Secretary of State for Transport in accordance with the modifications.
The proposal also includes new certification provisions through the vehicle licensing regime, ensuring that evidence of a certificate of satisfactory examination would be required before a licence could be granted for a modified vehicle.
“This would be good for consumers, as owners would be assured of the safety of their modifications, which would also protect other road users, which is one of the reasons for the existence of the MoT test,” said Davis-Knight.
However, according to Davis-Knight there is no timescale attached to the proposal: “It is not clear when changes might be brought in, or even if they will ever happen. If they are introduced, it is vital that the MoT testing sector be consulted, as amendments may need to be made to both training and procedures surrounding the MoT test.”
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