Aftermarket Conference: 25 February 2005, The Quadrangle Conference Centre, Kassam Stadium, Oxford.

This AM event will focus on how you can get the most from aftersales. As the margins on car sales decline there is increasing pressure on retailers to expand their aftersales activities.

The ability to make correct strategic decisions in this area of your business is going to have a major impact on your future propsperity - which is exactly what this conference is all about.

Subjects on the agenda include: customer retention strategies, recruiting and retaining the best technicians, an update on FSA regulations, market size and structure, accessory sales , access to technical data and more - all major industry issues our readers tell us are important to them.

For more information or to book your place please click though to Alternatively, you can call Katherine How on 01733 468325 or email: for a booking form.