A camera crew recently spent three weeks filming at the Scunthorpe premises and the hour-long programme is scheduled to be broadcast on digital channel BBC3 early next year. It is one of eight programmes in a new series with the working title The Ferocious Mr Fix-it.
“We are a very open company and we are open-minded, so we were happy to take part in the programme,” says Tony Wright, chairman of Eddie Wright.
“We’re constantly looking at ways to improve what we do. Having an outside business specialist come in and look at your operation can be useful, particularly as they have a distance that people heavily involved in the business may not have.”
In the series, Jeffrey’s unconventional approach is to turn up unannounced, confront employees face-to-face and to use shock tactics.
“I go into companies, I work out who the problem is and I encourage them to change. If they can’t, they are normally removed,” he says. “Sometimes people need a slap before you can get them to change. I’m like a dentist. What I do is painful, but it has to be done.”
Since filming , which included the crew installing hidden cameras, Eddie Wright has adopted several of the ideas suggested by Jeffrey together with a restructure of its management.
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