They will take up office on March 1. Each will also serve on the company's audit committee, nomination committee and remuneration committee.
David Joyce (57) is a civil engineer and has spent his career in the construction industry, predominantly in senior positions with Norwest Holst, part of Vinci Plc, of which he is chief operating officer. He also serves as a non-executive director and chairman of the Buildings Committee of the Wales Millennium Centre.
Malcolm Le May (47) is an investment banker with over 20 years' experience in banking and corporate finance, both in London and North America. He is currently executive president of JER Partners Europe. He also serves as a non-executive director with the Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group Plc.
Joyce and Le May will retire and offer themselves for re-election at Pendragon's annual general meeting in April.
The following non-executive directors have indicated their intention to retire from office: Mr N G Hannah, to take effect from December 31, 2006 and Mr W W Rhodes, to take effect from December 31, 2007.
Each will retire and offer himself for re-election at each annual general meeting until his intended date of retirement.
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