Trade-only engine treatments specialist Forte Lubricants has assembled a marketing support package for 8000-plus garage and workshop customers - based on Office of Fair Trading guidelines for car servicing.

The OFT recommends in its 44-point list that engine oil should be flushed and drained and the cooling system checked as part of a standard service.

Forte offers products for both procedures, but says that many garages are unaware of what constitutes a standard service.

“We believe the OFT guidelines represent a growing trend of acceptance and acknowledgement that petrochemical companies such as Forte have a legitimate role to play in the vehicle servicing industry,” says technical director Mike Reeve.

“The OFT service checklist, recommending cleaning operations as an integral part of the service routine, adds respectability and credibility to what we have been advocating for many years - that the benefits and improvements Forte treatments can provide are addressing a real need and boost customer satisfaction.”

The support package includes A4 duplicate printed pads with the OFT's servicing plan for service reception staff to discuss with customers.

The company - the UK leader in engine, cooling and air-conditioning systems treatments and with a customer base consisting of 30 per cent franchised dealers and 70 per cent independent garages, but with the volume balance at 50/50 - advocates the use of its Motor Flush and Fuel System cleaner in the OFT list.

Motor Flush is a blend of cleaning agents, dispersants and detergents formulated to remove sludge and insolubles from the crankcase and free-up sticking piston rings and hydraulic valve lifters. Fuel System Cleaner will dissolve and remove contamination in the fuel system.

Reeve says a single treatment would add £10-£12 to the cost of a service. The OFT checklist can be downloaded from their website at: