David Peel is the first to admit that it will take more than smarter operating processes, upgraded premises and a £30 million investment plan to steer a major British car business back to profit.
PSA Peugeot Citroen has completed a sale and leaseback of nine UK properties, mostly dealerships, to raise £29.9m.
Robins & Day has officially opened its refurbished showroom in Coventry following a £3 million investment.
Robins & Day has taken over the Eddy Grimstead Motor Group's single site dealership in Romford, a business that has been trading for more than 100 years.
A total of 350 employees, partners and sponsors attended an awards ceremony for Peugeot Citroen Retail in the second year that both brands in the group have come together to celebrate their high fliers.
Robins & Day, the Peugeot UK owned dealer group, has signed up to the new online auction service launched by Cooper Solutions.