Rogue operators who sell or repair vehicles on the roadside could be forced out of business by new environmental rules.

As part of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act, local authorities have been given the power to deal with anyone offering for sale two or more vehicles, or repairing a vehicle, on the road as part of a business.

Traders can face fixed penalty notices and repeat offenders can face a court summons. The act is part of the Government’s plan to create cleaner, safer and greener communities.

“The rules will curb the activities of rogue traders that operate without proper facilities or procedures. Many of these sell and repair vehicles on the road,” says Mike Owen, head of aftermarket at the RMI.

“There are still many rogue traders operating at the fringes of our industry and they bring the whole sector into disrepute. These rules will make it much harder for them to continue.”

The rules do not affect the legitimate activities of roadside recovery providers.