The venture, named Dealership Developments, will combine Wayland’s dealer-specific knowledge with the national reach of Alfred McAlpine to offer a way to secure new premises. This will include searching an extensive database of sites, through to supplying a completed facility and arranging lease or purchase deals.
Bob Tattrie, director at Dealership Developments and UK managing director (Developments) at Alfred McAlpine, said: “The motor industry is going through a period of rapid change and therefore dealerships need to revise their operations to improve market share.
“Dealership Developments has been created in response to the changing business landscape facing dealerships and will provide a cost-effective package that will demonstrate significant advantages over more traditional means of implementing such developments.”
Peter Hemus and Max Whale, from Wayland, complete the team of directors, bringing with them 30 years’ combined experience in the automotive sector. Since Wayland’s formation last year, they have been responsible for developing more than 30 dealerships, with franchises ranging from Jaguar and Bentley to Peugeot and Ford.
“I believe that our in-depth knowledge of the operation of motor dealerships will allow us to work closely with all our clients to deliver the optimum solution to meet their business needs,” said Peter Hemus.
“What we’d like to do is help dealers to develop out new facilities to meet new requirements.
“Working with McApline unlocks opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise be available to motor dealers. For example, if they wanted two acres but could only find a suitable five-acre location, McAlpine would be able to acquire the site and develop whatever wasn’t being used by the dealer.”
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